1. Can’t decide what to bake?
If you find yourself in a baking rut or simply can’t decide what to whip up in the kitchen, turn to your 100 Mystery Bakes Challenge Poster for inspiration. Our poster offers a plethora of baking suggestions, helping you choose your next culinary endeavour.2. Scratch
Pick a random square from our 100 Mystery Bakes poster. Scratch to unveil the hidden illustration beneath, revealing the mystery recipe challenge that you’re going to undertake!

3. Find a recipe on our website
With your challenge in hand, head to our website to find the detailed recipe corresponding to the scratched-off section. Our curated collection of recipes ensures that you have everything you need to embark on your baking journey, from ingredients to step-by-step instructions.4. Experiment and bake
Armed with your chosen recipe, it’s time to dive into the world of flavors and textures. Experiment with new techniques, embrace different ingredients, and immerse yourself in the joy of creating something delicious from scratch until you can master the recipe.

5Track your progress and accomplishments
Using our posters not just as a guide but as a visual record of your baking journey. Track your progress by scratching off each accomplishment, creating a visual timeline of your culinary conquests.
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